Humans&Climate Change Stories : exhibition and conference at the Generation Durable Festival in Normandy (France)
We were invited for the second time at the annual edition of the Generation Durable Festival in Normandy, Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits from Oct 10 to Oct 19th. One conference took place. Thanks to the public and the Festival team for this beautiful work !

Our story "The anger of Andes" produced in Peru is published in the excellent newspaper Le Temps in Switzerland
Printed version is available September 16th. Many thanks to Le Temps for this beautiful publication!

Listen to our new story "Peru: the anger of the Andes" on Radio France International (RFI)
Listen to our new story in Peru the June 18th, in the excellent radio show "C'est pas du vent" on Radio France International (RFI)

Listen to our new story "Peru: the anger of the Andes" on the Swiss National Radio (RTS)
Listen to our new story in Peru the Feb 22th, in the excellent radio show "Prise de Terre" on the Swiss National Radio (RTS).

Listen to our new story "Jordan: waters of discord" on the Swiss National Radio (RTS)
Listen to our story in Jordan the Jan 24th, in the excellent radio show "Prise de Terre" on the Swiss National Radio (RTS).

Humans&Climate Change Stories with Radio France International at the Ground Control in Paris
Humans&Climate Change Stories participates to Radio France International event at the Ground Control Oct 4th. We are so happy and so proud to participate to the 10th birthday of "C'est pas du vent" radio show dedicated to environment issues. Thanks to RFI and Ground control for this beautiful event !

Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the Ground Control in Paris
Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the wonderful Ground Control alternative place from 04 to 27 Oct. Thanks to the public and the Ground control team for this beautiful work !

Humans&Climate Change Stories : exhibition and conference at the Generation Durable Festival in Normandy (France)
At the occasion of the 8th annual edition of the Generation Durable Festival in Normandy, Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits from Sept 30 to Oct 27th. Two conferences took place. Thanks to the public and the Festival team for this beautiful work !

Humans&Climate Change Stories at Ciné Jardin - 12 sept 2020
Humans&Climate Change Stories is invited at Ciné-Jardin (Paris) ! Want to watch beautiful movies and documentaries relaxed in amazing eco-gardens in Paris ? Follow us ! Thanks to "La Fabrique Documentaire" for the initiative and the for inviting us !

Our story "The land in conflict" produced in Mali is published in the excellent newspaper Le Temps in Switzerland
Printed version is available September 14th. Many thanks to Le Temps for this beautiful job!

Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the Hotel de ville in Paris
No worries if you missed it! The exhibition will take place in different public places in Paris until summer 2020!

Take your Time!
Our story "The dilemma of ice" produced in Greenland is publishing in the excellent newspaper Le Temps in Switzerland
Printed version is available the 13 May
Many thanks to Le Temps for this beautiful job!

Humans&Climate Change Stories is winning the United Nations SDG Award - category storyteller
Humans&Climate Change Stories is winning the United Nations SDG Award this May 2nd !
So proud that our stories contribute to the Sustainable Development goals!
Want more? http://sdgactionawards.org

Our story "The dilemma of ice" produced in Greenland is publishing in the excellent newspaper POLITIKEN in Denmark

Humans&Climate Change Stories participates to a conference at the Fribourg University
Humans&Climate Change Stories participates to a conference at the Fribourg University the 19 March.
"Climate change and collapsing - How can the Humanity resist?
Join us !

"The Alps - The end of white gold ?"
Listen to our new story on Radio France International
Listen to our story in Greenland the Jan 31th, in the excellent radio show "C'est pas du vent" on Radio France International.

Listen to our new story "The Netherlands: the threat of the rivers" on the Swiss National Radio (RTS)
Listen to our story in The Netherlands the Feb 09th, in the excellent radio show "Prise de Terre" on the swiss national Radio (RTS).

Listen to our new story "The Alps: the end of white gold?" on the Swiss National Radio (RTS)
Listen to our story in Greenland the Jan 19th, in the excellent radio show "Prise de Terre" on the swiss national Radio (RTS).

Need a polar immersion ? Listen to our story "Greenland: the dilemma of ice" on Radio France International
Listen to our story in Greenland the Jan 10th, in the excellent radio show "C'est pas du vent" on Radio France International.

Humans&Climate Change Stories invited by Novo Ideo
The "green" Think Tank Novo Ideo invites Humans&Climate Change Stories for a presentation!

Listen Humans&Climate Change Stories on the Radio Television Belge Francophone
At the occasion of the COP24, listen to our stories in Mali and in Greenland the Dec 10th, in the intimate radio show "Par Ouï-Dire" on the Radio Television Belge Francophone - La Première (RTBF).

Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the Paris city hall
At the occasion of COP24, Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the Paris city hall from Dec 03 to Dec 14th. Round table with our partners CARE France and Anne Cecile Bras from RFI the 10th from 7PM. Join us !

Listen to our story "Greenland: the dilemma of ice" on the Swiss national Radio (RTS)
Listen to our story in Greenland the Dec 08th, in the excellent radio show "Prise de Terre" on the Swiss National Radio.

At the occasion of COP24, Humans&Climate Change Stories is invited to present its work at the Nordic Pavilion
At the occasion of COP24, Humans&Climate Change Stories presents the story produced in Greenland at the Nordic pavilion. Side event from 11AM Dec 08th. Join us !

Listen our story produced in Mali "The land of conflict" on the Swiss National radio (RTS)
Listen to our stories in Mali this Saturday, November 10 in the excellent weekly show "Prise de Terre" on the Swiss national radio (RTS) , dedicated to Environment.

Humans&Climate Change Stories and CARE france are partners!
Humans&Climate Change Stories and CARE France NGO have signed a partnership. CARE france develops specific programs to support populations vulnerable to Climate change effects in many countries over the world

Humans&Climate Change Stories at Ciné-Jardin
Humans&Climate Change Stories is invited in Ciné-Jardin (Paris) ! Want to watch beautiful movies and documentaries relaxed in amazing eco-gardens in Paris ? Follow us ! Thanks to "La Fabrique Documentaire" for the initiative !

"OFF": Listen to Humans&Climate Change Stories on Radio Television Suisse
Humans&Climate Change Stories and Samuel Turpin in "off" in the excellent daily show "Entre nous soit dit" on RTS.

In the Cinema Festival of Douarnenez
The Cinema Festival of Douarnenez is dedicated to Republic Democratic of Congo ! So proud to contribute with photographs!
Enjoy !

Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the European Parliament
Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the European Parliament (Strasbourg and Brussels) from June 11 to June 21th. Join us !

Listen to our story in the Netherlands: the threat of rivers on Radio France Internationale
Want to know more ? Listen to our stories in the Netherlands this Thursday, June 07 in the excellent weekly show "C'est pas du vent" on RFI , dedicated to Environment.

Listen to our story in Mali: the land in conflict on Radio France Internationale
Want to know more ? Listen to our stories in Mali this Thursday, June 07 in the excellent weekly show "C'est pas du vent" on RFI , dedicated to Environment.
Podcast is online here !

Our story "The dilemma of ices" exhibits in Paris
Awarded by the 2018 Sophot annual contest, Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits in Paris at the Fait&Cause gallery, 58 rue Quincampoix, in the center of Paris from May 15 to July 13. You're warmly welcome !

Our story "The dilemma of ices" is awarded
We are so proud to inform you that our story "The dilemma of ices" from Humans&Climate Change Stories wins the 2018 Sophot contest. Thanks to the jury ! Exhibition will take place in Paris from 15 May to 15 July 2018

Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the International Conference Center in Geneva
Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits in the CICG at the occasion of The General Assembly of the InterParliamentary Union (IPU) from March 16. Join us !

Humans&Climate Change Stories at the European Parliament
We were invited the 9th of January by the group ALE / Greensat the European Parliament in Brussels to present the Humans & Climate Change Stories project. Thank you all for the warm welcome and participation. See you soon on the occasion of the European Ideas Lab and for a spring exhibition in Parliament 2018.

Humans&Climate Change Stories at the FAO Headquarters in Roma
Humans&Climate Change Stories comes to life at the GACSA Summit at FAO headquarters in Roma. A multimedia exhibit at the climate-smart agriculture dedicated area from December 11th!

Humans&Climate Change Stories at the UN Headquarters
Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibited at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, on the occasion of the international Organization for Migration's annual Council (28 Nov-01 Dec). Many thanks to the French Minister of the Ecological Transition and Solidarity, Nicolas Hulot, who visited us! Catch a glimpse here: https://goo.gl/VFdqTy via @UNmigration

Side event in the EU pavillon during the COP23
We presented Humans&Climate Change Stories project in European Union pavillon during the COP23 in Bonn (06-18 Nov 2017). Thanks to all participants for their interest and participation!

Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibits at the COP23
Humans&Climate Change Stories exhibited at the COP23 in Bonn (06-18 Nov 2017). Many thanks to all for your support and your interest to the project!